Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Frequently Asked Questions

I want to purchase a property. How can you help me? How much do you charge?

We do not charge commission if you’re looking to buy a Private Property.

Our team of experts will help you with the following:

  • Fact-finding
  • Deep Market Research
  • Valuation Studies
  • Comparative Analysis
  • Shortlisting
  • Viewing Arrangements
  • Negotiations
  • Legal paperwork
  • Mortgage & Financing Applications
  • HDB paperwork
    and many more.
My loan application got rejected by the bank, are you able to help?

We have helped several clients with their loan applications and helped them to purchase a house successfully. Please contact us to understand more.

I need Interior Designers & Renovation Contracters after buying a property. Do you have contacts to recommend?

Yes, we work with several trusted partners, including IDs, Contracters, Painters etc.

I want to sell my property. How much is your consultation session? Do I need to engage you after the consultation?

We offer complimentary and non-obligatory Seller’s Consultation Session. This means that it is entirely free, and it is not a must to engage us.

What we will do in this session:

  • Understand your expectations, needs & concerns
  • In-depth assessment of your property
  • Structuring a marketing plan & proposal

You can then decide if you wish to engage us.

How long do you take to sell a property?

On average, the properties we sell will be off the market within 3 to 4 months. 

Do you provide home staging services?

Yes, we have done home staging for numerous clients.

Do you provide video marketing / home tours?

Yes we have provided video marketing services for our clients.

Let's Make Your Real Estate Journey An Amazing One

We have helped many achieve their real estate goals & dreams.

We will be happy to help you too.

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